Rainbow Yogis – Yoga For Children

Yes, that’s right and it’s wonderful! I am pretty much in love with this woman.

Rainbow Yogis – A Family With A Special Message

Rainbow Pammy and her beautiful family have successfully managed to embody the practices of balancing the mind, body and spirit through the restorative practice of yoga. Rainbow Yogis is the name they are known by and it opens my heart to have met such a bright, beautiful souls with such a powerful vision on how to live abundantly and balanced.

(Image credits: www.rainbowyogis.com.au)

Yoga For Adults – How About Yoga For Kids?

Most of us adults understand and feel the benefits of yoga almost instantly, both mentally and physically. Our bodies relax, our tight muscles loosen up and our busy minds get room to breathe. We deal with challenges differently, perhaps more efficiently than we ordinarily would and our energy rises to greet us with better choice making for our journeys. We owe it to ourselves (and others) to take care of ourselves – this is a practice of unconditional love.

So, what about kids? It makes a lot of sense, it totally does. One vital thing that we are not taught in the traditional educational system, is the practice of working with our emotions and not against them. Yoga has incredible benefits for all ages!


Wise Words From A Wise Mamma

Pammy says it best:

‘A regular yoga practice for kids and teens teaches mindfulness during the important formative years. As our young ones are finding their way in the world, physically, mentally and socially, Yoga can give them the perspective they need to see things clearly and avoid unnecessary stress.’

Yoga And Bubbles

Apparently, after every class, everyone participates in positive and empowering visualisations that sometimes includes bubbles! I am a firm believer that the two go hand in hand, dancing across a field of lilies, without a doubt in my bubblehead! I will explain more, but here’s a little video that explains a bit more about Rainbow Yogis message and empowering vision for our youth:

Bubble Mindfulness

As with us Bubblers at bubbly.life, we work and play with the guidance of Bubbleosophy by our Master Bubble Man, Dr Froth. I feel incredibly proud to be sharing so many beautiful moments with so many special people through bubbles.

Sharing the magic of mindfulness is what it’s all about, whether it be through yoga, meditation or even bubbles. Also, our mix is biodegradable and based on coconut oil. It’s also the safest eco-friendly mix for your skin, your kids and the planet.

Dr Froth and Queen Bubbly told me yesterday that the basil in their garden seems to be growing faster after rinsing bubble equipment into the soil after bubble performances! who’d have thunk it! You can read more about it here.

I highly recommend that you check out Rainbow Yogi’s website right here and bask in all the beautiful events, mindfulness techniques and traditional teachings that Pammy has to offer. You will be thanking her for the wonderful message she is sharing on how to raise strong, healthy, balanced and empowered young people. There is also a book and vibrant yoga affirmations cards! what a super idea!


Rainbows and Bubbles make the world a brighter place. Have a magical weekend everyone!

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“Life lover and Performer

— Betty Bubbles

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