Bubble Madness Workshop For Kids!
Bubble Madness!
Bubbles Madness, a DIY Soap Bubble Wand and Tool workshop for kids! (ages 5-12yrs, max 15 bubble enthusiasts)
Perth School Holidays, July 2019
The school holidays are approaching and it’s time to book in some exciting activities for your young ones!
Is your child a bubble enthusiast? Great! We are going to have a funtastic time with bubbles with the new workshop I am offering!

Crazy About Bubbles
My name is Betty Bubbles and I am crazy about bubbles! Let me show you a few neat things that you can create and show others, so you too can share the bubble fun wherever you go!:
What you can expect:
– Create your own cool bubble wand
– Recycle & Reuse Bubble Experiments
– Outdoor bubble activity
– Hands on activity
– Guidance and fun with Betty Bubbles
$20 per child, 1 1/2 hours (9.30-11am)
We are going to have so much fun! Please click the link for tickets 🙂
If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you shortly. For more information on bubbles or face painting, you can get in touch by clicking the button below.